Donor Opportunities

On Thursday, December 15, 2015 the Museum of Tolerance will host an innovative theatrical experience.


An ancient gate will open, and the audience will visit the Jewish Ghetto in Renaissance Venice.

LED lights of the theatre will ripple with the water of the Grand Canal. The sound will echo the ringing of the Inquisition Bells, and actors in rich velvet will tell the story of  “Betraying the Lion.”

Winner of the “No-Borders” International screenplay competition from the IFP, awarded to stories that will cross any border and have international audience appeal, Betraying the Lion received this most prestigious honor given to a screenplay in the independent film world.  Previous winners have garnered many Academy Award nominations.


The goal of the event is to foster tolerance and understanding between Jews, Christians and Moslems, raise awareness among young people, and empower women.


Just out of her teens, an innocent young girl in Renaissance Venice, Italy risks her life to defend the freedom of the first Jewish Ghetto against racism.  Her courage will empower young women of all backgrounds to achieve their dreams.  Betraying the Lion, will make young people today proud of their heritage, making it cool to be Jewish.

Sara’s compelling story has been hidden for centuries.  Now, in our own troubled times, YOU can help Sara’s voice be heard!


When I discovered Sara Copia’s story I instinctively felt a kindred spirit.  A woman who had encountered countless forms of discrimination, both personal and professional, and not only endured, but rose above it.  As a female director, I implore you to support Betraying the Lion, to open the gates of equality for women and tolerance for all.

Help empower women in the arts.  Do it for your wife, your sister, your daughter, your great, great granddaughter.  Help cultivate tolerance for women of every race, culture and gender who have important stories to tell and share with us all.

A Directors Guild of America study concluded that of all episodic television broadcast in 2013 & 2014, only 14% had been directed by women overall, and less than 2% by women of color.

** A 2015 New York Times investigation shows women directed only 4% of top grossing films over the last twelve year


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